1514  An Unbreakable Vow?" said Ron, looking stunned. "Nah, he can’t have.... Are you sure?" "Yes I’m sure," said Harry. "Why, what does it mean?" "Well, you can’t break an Unbreakable Vow..." "I’d worked that much out for myself, funnily enough.
1482  “When you know better you do better.”
1534  “We are all born sexual creatures,thank God, but it's a pity so many people despise and crush this natural gift.”
1612  “I don't want tea," said Clary, with muffled force. "I want to find my mother. And then I want to find out who took her in the first place, and I want to kill them." "Unfortunately," said Hodge, "we're all out of bitter revenge at the moment, so it's either tea or nothing.”
1631  “Wow," Thalia muttered. "Apollo is hot." "He's the sun god," I said. "That's not what I meant.”